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Using e-books for your marketing strategies: Is it still effective?

If you are looking to achieve your marketing objectives and improve your relationships with customers, consider having an e-book. An e-book, or electronic book, is an online piece ...
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Why Your Business Should Offer Chatbot Services

For many businesses, solving the queries of your customers to ensure consumer loyalty and to maintain your customer service level has become a necessity. Technology has helped to ...
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What’s Upcoming for Google Ads: Insights & Performance Max Campaigns

For those of you who are unaware, Google just had its Advertising Week last week and they have announced some new updates to Google Ads which are going to help businesses. With ...
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Top Keywords in Google - What Keywords Are Trending In 2020?

As we’re in the last quarter of the year, here is an overview of the list of keywords that are the most searched on Google as well as keywords that have been trending in 2020.
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TikTok Marketing: How Can Brands Utilize TikTok

TikTok is a video sharing social network that has blown up in the recent year with over 800 million users worldwide. Since its launch in 2016, the social network has seen massive ...
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Here’s Why Telemarketing Won’t Work In Singapore Today

Telemarketing is a very common form of marketing that companies use to get in contact with potential customers for their products or services. This is often done through phone ...
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When are the best timings to post on social media?

Knowing when’s the best time to post your social media is important to get a higher engagement rate on your posts. The usage of each social media platforms occurs at different ...
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Why Traditional Marketing Is A Thing Of The Past

Traditional marketing (or outbound marketing) is something that we are all familiar with and have been exposed to at one point or another. These traditional marketing ads are ...
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6 Types of Content That You Can Use And Optimise For SEO

As we all know, SEO is more important than ever for digital marketing when everything is going online. The type of content that is being put out plays a huge role in the success ...
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Setting Up Instagram Shopping for E-commerce: Why Should You Get Started

If you’re planning to start your own e-commerce site, Instagram Shopping is something that is essential to your Instagram marketing strategies.
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Transition to Post-COVID: The Shift in the Digital Marketing Landscape

This COVID-19 period has been a real struggle for many businesses as this global pandemic has caused severe economic disruption. With many industry sectors being affected, ...
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5 Reasons Why Your Business Should Use YouTube Marketing

There are so many social media platforms out there and no doubt YouTube is one of the biggest social media channels to utilise for many marketers. When you think of social media ...
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