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Why You Should Start Doing Video Advertising

In spite of all the evidence, many advertisers continue to resist the idea of advertising with video.
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6 Tips to Improve Your Google Ads Relevance

In the world of paid search, there’s always room to improve the searcher experience and thus the conversions you earn.
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Why You Should Use Vertical Video Ads for Mobile

We all hold our phones upright 94% of the time even during the majority of the day. Even when faced with a horizontal video, only 30% of us turn our phones according to 2017 ...
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5 Steps to Collect Customer Reviews on Shopify Store

What is the first thing that you'll do before purchasing something online? Read the reviews!
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Instagram Reels VS Tik Tok: Which To Use for E-commerce?

With the disappearance of Vine and the declining popularity of Snapchat, many companies have taken advantage of the lost space in theworld of social media. In other words, ...
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Guide to Using Google Web Stories for Digital Marketers

What is Google Web Stories? Find out what features and benefits that Google has to offer in this immersive storytelling format and see whether it's right for your brand.
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Google's 5 Best Practices for Video SEO

Google recommends these five best practices for site owners to follow when they are optimizing video content for search results.
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Perfecting Your Brand’s Tone of Voice for SEO Copywriting

Content alone won’t help you build long-lasting customer relationships for your lead nurturing. It’s your tone of voice that makes all the difference in SEO copywriting.
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7 Cases Where More Website Traffic Doesn't Mean Good SEO

Generating more traffic to a website is one of the important aspects of organic search optimization. While driving increased traffic to a website is foundational as part of a ...
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Does Removing Comments from Blog Posts Affect Your SEO Ranking?

A question that some may ask to Google is your blog comments will affect your SEO ranking?
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How to Prevent Google from Indexing Certain Pages on Your Website

In search engine optimisation, the main goal is to get as many pages in your website indexed and crawled by search engines like Google to rank higher.
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How to Repurpose Your Content with Instagram's New Features in 6 Ways

For a lot of companies or brands that do not have a physical product or appealing aesthetics, it was hard to get in on the Instagram game so it felt like a platform that your ...
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