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The First Step Of Any Digital Marketing Plan

This blogpost is extracted by Charing Kam from our new eBook, How To Use Digital Marketing To Grow Your Business. Your website is the foundation of your digital marketing. It’s ...
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6 Steps To Adopt Experiential Marketing

Experiential marketing, or engagement marketing, is a type of marketing, where emphasis is on giving opportunities for the target audience to experience a brand. Unlike ...
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4 Questions You Should Ask Before Using Lead Scoring

Lead scoring is a major methodology used in market automation systems such as HubSpot. It is used to rank prospects against a scale that shows the perceived value of every lead to ...
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5 Ways To Market Your YouTube Channel

Now that you have joined the YouTube community, it is important to make your channel visible to potential viewers. The ideal situation is that billions of viewers will voluntarily ...
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5 Tips On Mastering Snapchat As A B2B Marketing Tool

Snapchat—the fastest growing social networking mobile app with more than 100 million daily active users and 400 million snaps every day. Promotional campaigns launched in Snapchat ...
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2 Benefits Of Digital Marketing

Digital Marketing is a term that includes all your online marketing strategies. There are lots of different digital channels that allow you to approach current and potential ...
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5 Things To Consider Before Implementing Permission Marketing

The term ‘Permission marketing’ is a marketing concept which was introduced in a book of the same name in 1999 by a marketing guru called Seth Godin. Permission marketing ...
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5 Ways To Optimize Your YouTube Channel

As mentioned, YouTube is the second largest search engine in the world, so it is really important for people to be able to find your videos and access your channel easily. For ...
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5 Ways To Convert Instagram Followers Into Your Customers

After running a couple of campaigns on your Instagram business page and amassing a decent following, the next step you have to take is to convert those followers into your ...
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3 Facts That Will Convince You To Start YouTube Marketing

According to the State of Inbound Report, over the last 12 months, nearly half of all marketers (48% and rising) are planning to add YouTube to their marketing strategy. Think ...
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4 Tips For Your Instagram Marketing Launch

Instagram has grown rapidly as a tool in the field of digital marketing, with increasing effectiveness in raising brand awareness and launching products. According to ...
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How To Train Your Team To Provide Exceptional Customer Service

This post has been extracted by Charing Kam from our e-Book, “How To Keep Your Customers Coming Back”. When it comes to providing customer service, it can be tough to know what to ...
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