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4 Questions You Need To Answer Before Using Snapchat For B2B

Since the launch of Snapchat in 2011, there have been many B2C brands who have entered the Snapchat game. Considering that the original audience for Snapchat was teenagers and ...
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5 Key Components of a Great Blog Post

This blogpost is extracted by Charing Kam from our new eBook, How To Use Digital Marketing To Grow Your Business. When it comes to writing blog posts (just like this one!), it ...
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4 Tips To Run Search Engine Marketing On Google Effectively

Search Engine Marketing on Google is one of the most effective ways to get specific pages on your website found on Google. With more than 40,000 searches made on Google globally ...
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The Importance of Blogging for Business

This blogpost is extracted by Charing Kam from our new eBook, How To Use Digital Marketing To Grow Your Business. A blog makes your website more dynamic by automatically injecting ...
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How To Use Chatbots For Marketing

Chatbots have been used for a while now; their popularity, however, has been boosted exponentially ever since Facebook started allowing them within Facebook Messenger. As people ...
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3 Tips To Enhance Your Content Marketing

Content marketing is becoming a widely-adopted approach in B2B marketing. Consistently creating and applying a meaningful, useful, and successful content marketing strategy, ...
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How To Optimise for Mobile

This blogpost is extracted by Charing Kam from our new eBook, How To Use Digital Marketing To Grow Your Business. The topic of mobile marketing is tossed around frequently in ...
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4 Ways To Launch Mobile Marketing Seamlessly

In marketing, the global trend is that desktop viewing is going to be overtaken by mobile marketing. This is because people no longer view information in the same way as before. ...
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5 Tips For Creating A Facebook Marketing Strategy

After taking the first step (creating a Facebook Business Page) in Marketing on Facebook, you have to next know when and what to post on it to optimize your brand. In order to ...
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Getting Started with SEO: 5 Elements to Optimise

This blogpost is extracted by Charing Kam from our new eBook, How To Use Digital Marketing To Grow Your Business. In the past, the goal of SEO was to impress (or trick) the search ...
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The Essential Introduction To Facebook Marketing

It may not surprise you that Facebook is pretty well-known around the globe, but the thing that you might not know is how well-known it is. Facebook has 1.18 billion daily active ...
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4 Ways To Get Facebook Fans

After you have launched your Facebook Business Page, your first thought might be to run it just like your other marketing channels. However, it is very important to know that in ...
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