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How to Set Up Your ‘Google My Business’ Page

Google My Business is a free tool that helps you appear in related search and it is essential for local SEO. You are able to claim your business page and share information like ...
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What You Need to Know about Google’s Free Advertising Tool for Nonprofits

Whether it is investing in a new website, spending on social campaigns, events and other marketing collateral, the refrain is the same – especially for nonprofits who have a ...
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3 Effective Ways To Make Your Customers Smile

You’ve gotten the sale or a new client onboard! Cue celebrations, wine, champagne, pick your poison. But wait, your work is not done yet. You’ve got the customer, but how do you ...
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3 Critical Reasons Why You Need To Measure Your Marketing Efforts

Marketers are surrounded by data. You’ve got your Traffic Sources reports (and more) in HubSpot, Google Analytics, etc. That’s just the tip of the iceberg. Don’t forget your paid ...
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How To Convince Your Boss Inbound Marketing Is Effective.

Image Source: HelloquenceonUnsplash As an inbound marketer, you have so many metrics and data sources to check. SEO rankings, backlinks, downloads, reach / impressions, ...
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Are You Measuring The Right Metrics For Your Inbound Marketing Campaigns?

You’ve gathered all your shiny new landing pages, blog posts and content offers and started running your inbound marketing campaigns. Now you can sit back and relax, right?
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3 Facts About Inbound Marketing You May Not Know

On this blog, we talk a lot about Inbound Marketing. Inbound marketing has revolutionized the way we speak to marketing clients about lead generation. Did you know inbound leads ...
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How Technology Is Changing How We Treat Lead Generation

Technology is rapidly innovating and we, in the lead generation space, must be able to keep abreast of all the changes. According to the 2017 Marketing Technology Landscape ...
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3 Reasons Why Traditional Marketing Is Dead

Traditional marketing used to be successful decades ago, when consumers only had access to certain mass media, like Television and Newspapers. Due to the high cost of traditional ...
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3 Inbound Marketing Tips For Your Business

Inbound marketing focuses on attracting leads, and is juxtaposed with outbound marketing, where you broadcast your marketing messages to the general public. It is a proven system ...
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3 Digital Marketing Tips For LinkedIn

LinkedIn is known as a social network for professionals, but it can be used for marketing your company (if done right). If you are pushing out the same content to LinkedIn, ...
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3 Principles of Psychology You Can Use to Improve Your Inbound Marketing Campaigns

As marketers, we are all about influencing people by adding value to their lives through our marketing programmes.
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