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Why Digital Marketing is Crucial for IT Companies in Singapore and Asia?

Singapore is a prime market for the IT industry. In 2015, the government launched ICT tenders in digital, IT infrastructure, and data and web services worth $2.2 billion to ...
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Why Telemarketing Is Fading In New Marketing Technologies?

Trying to get new business is ever increasing challenge. Telemarketing is a marketing strategy that involves connecting with customers through phone or more recently web-based ...
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Why The IT Industry Should Embrace Digital Marketing

Since the turn of the millennium, the globe has witnessed an Information Technology (IT) boom. A decade and a half later, the IT industry is still booming with modern products ...
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Why SEO Trumps Outbound Marketing In Generating Sales Leads For Your Company

The Internet has become an important part of our world. Everyone, from individuals to small businesses and multi-national companies is learning to tap on the power of the digital ...
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7 Benefits Of Inbound Marketing As A Digital Marketing Technique

Inbound Marketing is a digital marketing strategy that focuses on putting your product in front of your potential customers only when they are in need of them.
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5 Easy Steps For Snapchat Leads

It seems straightforward: register for a Snapchat account and start posting anything you see, right? Well, when it comes to business, nothing is that simple. Follow our easy steps ...
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How To Write For Today’s Readers

According to research performed in 2015 by Jakob Nielsen of the Nielsen Norman Group, people only read 20% of the words in a web article. Yes, 20%. This means that over 80% of the ...
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3 Essential Tools To Manage Social Media Customer Service

Social media has made the marketing landscape better due to the breadth and amount of information you can send out into the world. At the same time, however, it has created ...
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How To Make Email Marketing Mobile-Friendly

How often do you open an email on your smartphone? Well, according to EmailMonday, ‘Mobile email will account for 15 to 70% of email opens’ in 2016. This makes responsive emails ...
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Optimizing Your Facebook Page for Lead Generation: A Guide

Are you consistently posting on Facebook but not seeing the conversion you hoped for in terms of sales? If so, it's likely that you're not leveraging the full potential of ...
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The 4 Types of Email Marketing Bounces

What is an Email Bounce? An Email Bounces when the email sent is rejected by the recipient’s mail server. This is a part of email deliverability, which is the measurement and ...
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7 Tips For Snapchat Marketing

Since Snapchat was launched in 2011, it has grown tremendously, with about 300 million monthly active users. With its high ability to engage users (5 times more effective than ...
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