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5 Easy Steps For Snapchat Leads


It seems straightforward: register for a Snapchat account and start posting anything you see, right? Well, when it comes to business, nothing is that simple. Follow our easy steps to get your snaps to promote your business and bring in leads: 

1) Plan, plan, plan

Using Snapchat is inherently different from using Facebook, thanks to the time limit placed on the former. In that case, you shouldn’t be using the same content plan for both. Plan your content to capitalize on Snapchat, using either storytelling or value-added tips to pull in your customers.

2) Share it across platforms

If you don’t broadcast your Snapchat handle, how will other social media-savvy users learn to find you? Share your username on Facebook, Instagram and more! Remember to include a one-liner about the type of content they’ll see on your Snapchat, so they know what to expect.

3) Make friends

If you’re looking to raise your profile in Snapchat, try using the GhostCodes app. It allows you to include yourself in a category, which makes your profile visible to more users who like products of that category.

4) Engage with your audience

Closing the loop with your Snapchat audience is the key to getting leads. Start off by asking open-ended questions in your snaps to get replies. Ensure that it’s a two-way feedback loop by replying to regular interactors. Sending them private snaps which answer their questions can also be a method to increase engagement and brand loyalty.

5) Review your data

Always, always review your data. You’ll never know how well Snapchat is doing as a marketing tool if you don’t. Use tracking software to see the click rate, response rate, and engagement rate, and tweak your content promotions accordingly to maximize the results.

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