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How to Turn Website Visitors into Hot Leads for Your Business

Once you’ve optimised your website, launched your blog, and started promoting content on social media and it’s been several weeks, you’re probably starting to see a spike in web ...
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7 Reasons Inbound Marketing is so Important for Your Business

Inbound Marketing is a digital marketing strategy that focuses on putting your product in front of your potential customers only when they are in need of them. Inbound marketing ...
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5 Simple Tricks to Generate Sales Lead Using Social Media Platforms

Social media is a great platform to generate sales leads for businesses. But you need to invest time and effort.
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10 Tactics That Actually Work to Get You More Subscribers

There is nothing more satisfying than hitting a milestone with your increasing number of subscribers. More subscribers are almost as good as money in the bank. However, getting ...
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3 Lead Nurturing Mistakes that Will Cost You Sales and Leads

Are you struggling to generate leads and turn them into customers? Imagine a business with an excellent product and competitive pricing, but no one is buying. We get this ...
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Lead Nurturing Tactics

Lead nurturing is the process of engaging a defined target group by providing relevant information at each phase of the buyer’s journey. If you want to actively move the prospects ...
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Create a Comprehensive Inbound Marketing Plan

Marketers who live and breathe inbound marketing are familiar with the complexities involved in formulating a full-fledged inbound marketing strategy.
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Marketing for Lead Generation or Demand Generation

Customers are the heart of our business. In order to please customers, marketers share one goal: amplify brand-to-consumer relationships. There is one marketing concept that sets ...
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3 Inbound Strategies Every Business Should Use

Inbound marketing has become increasingly popular in the marketing world for the last several years. While traditional outbound campaigns attempt to persuade unfamiliar ...
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Creative Ways to Generate Sales Leads

The lead generation process is tough. Sending cold emails and scraping together lists can be incredibly demoralizing and you are still not getting the lead flow you need to grow ...
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Simple Steps to Track the Effectiveness of your Marketing Campaigns

This blog post is extracted by Neha Jain from our new eBook, “The Essential Guide to Internet Marketing”. “How and what do we measure to determine digital marketing campaign ...
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Amazingly Effective Lead Nurturing Tactics

Lead nurturing is the process of developing relationships with your potential customers by sending targeted, relevant, and valuable messages to them in a timely manner. “The end ...
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