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6 CTA Tests For Maximizing Click-Through Rates

There are a few conversion path elements such as landing pages, calls-to-action (CTAs), and emails that can be tested to see how you can generate more leads by using A/B testing. ...
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The Secret to Integrating Email Campaigns with Social Media and Mobile

Among businesses going digital, email remains a popular marketing channel in Singapore. It is one of the most effective methods for mobilizing contacts. You can personalize an ...
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5 Reasons Why Emails Don't Get Opened

Email marketing has become an essential tool for business ever since the introduction of the Internet, and now even more so with the growth of Inbound Marketing*. It is a form of ...
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How Does Blogging Help Inbound Marketing?

Not surprisingly, a blog is considered one of the most effective platforms for Inbound Marketing*. An estimated 73% of the businesses use blogging for marketing purposes. More ...
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The 4 P’s of Inbound Marketing

When we come across the phrase “4 P’s”, the first thing that pops into our mind is Product, Place, Price, and Promotion, the 4 P’s of traditional marketing. But this article ...
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4 Easy Ways To Churn Out Blog Content Consistently

When embarking on the journey of Inbound Marketing*, one of the first steps can be a challenging one—creating sufficient content to drive your blog, Facebook page, tweets, and/or ...
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Why You Need These 4 Essential Headline Writing Tips

When you're running short of time, you instinctively scan instead of read an article. What do you scan? Significant pictures and keywords that capture your attention. Where are ...
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3 Steps To Inbound Marketing For The Education Business

Anyone working in the education industry in Singapore knows the lifeblood of the education business are the students, and it is a very lucrative and highly regarded business too. ...
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Native Advertising and Inbound Marketing

Native advertising is a form of advertising that consists of content relevant to your audience. The most popular forms of native advertising in Singapore are: sponsored blog ...
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Smart Calls-To-Action (CTA) In Inbound Marketing

“But I already have Calls-To-Action!” you say. “What is a ‘smart’ one? Do I need it?” A Call-To-Action (CTA) is a button or link on your website that visitors click on to execute ...
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Why SEO Alone Isn't Good Enough

Too many people believe that if they just do a good job of optimizing their site for prominent search visibility, the battle’s won. Not true. Many years ago, many businesses ...
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4 Steps To Designing A Digital Marketing Plan

Increasingly, more companies are recognizing the benefits a corporate digital marketing plan can bring in, but a few obstacles stand in the way: 1) There is no proper procedure or ...
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