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Why You Need These 4 Essential Headline Writing Tips

When you're running short of time, you instinctively scan instead of read an article. What do you scan? Significant pictures and keywords that capture your attention. Where are ...
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Do You Know Closed Loop Marketing?

Closed-loop marketing is marketing that relies on customer data and from closed-loop reporting. “Closing the loop” is just when Sales Department report to Marketing Department ...
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Why You Can't Rely On Inbound Marketing Alone

Nowadays, Inbound Marketing* is becoming increasingly popular due to its effectiveness and cost-efficiency. However, what happens when you’re not selling a product or service that ...
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Native Advertising and Inbound Marketing

Native advertising is a form of advertising that consists of content relevant to your audience. The most popular forms of native advertising in Singapore are: sponsored blog ...
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4 Surprising Facts About Inbound Marketing

There are some not so well known facts about Inbound Marketing* from the "2013 State of Inbound Marketing" report and other HubSpot sources which happened to be pleasant surprises.
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3 Big Mistakes Rookie Inbound Marketers Make

The common mistakes made by new Inbound Marketers are: 1. Not properly reaching your target audience Marketers want to convert as many leads as possible, but if their marketing ...
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Why NOW Is A Good Time For Inbound Marketing

“50% of the 2013 survey respondents said that they consider their companies to be primarily customer-focused.” – 2013 State of Inbound Marketing* The reason is clear to us: the ...
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How Niche Industries Can Benefit From Inbound Marketing

Suppose I have a product called “Machine X”; it is expensive, only used in a very specific field of medicine and requires a lot of expertise to use. To market Machine X, should I ...
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Lead Scoring In Inbound Marketing

According to MarketingSherpa’s B2B Benchmarking Report, only 21% of B2B marketers have established a lead scoring program. Inbound Marketing* is lauded for its ability to attract ...
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Smart Calls-To-Action (CTA) In Inbound Marketing

“But I already have Calls-To-Action!” you say. “What is a ‘smart’ one? Do I need it?” A Call-To-Action (CTA) is a button or link on your website that visitors click on to execute ...
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How To Delight Existing Customers

So you’ve made the sale! The long tedious process of closing your leads, converting them into customers is over. So what happens now? A rookie mistake would be to forget about ...
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What Are Buyer Personas?

In Inbound Marketing*, it is important for your landing page to not just be found by people, but by the right people. By this, I mean the people most likely to become sales leads. ...
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