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Customer Service: Is Your Business Making Customers Happier? Here Are 6 Ways...

Caring and supporting your customers has never been more crucial in this day of marketing automation. Many times we get so caught up in getting things done and getting them out ...
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Discover 8 Ways To Lower Your Unsubscribe Rate

Every marketing channel has its own benefits and challenges, and email marketing and management gets trickier as the database size grows. Nonetheless, email marketing remains ...
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How To Conduct Social Media Monitoring

Social media monitoring has increasingly become a crucial practice in gauging who said what about your business and the degree of positive and negative sentiments associated with ...
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Ultimate Tips For Generating Sales Leads From LinkedIn Groups

Are LinkedIn Groups effective for promoting your business? My short answer is 'yes' and here's why... LinkedIn Groups are virtual meeting rooms (or forums) where people with ...
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3 Ways Quora Can Supercharge Your Business

What can a Q&A site do for my business, you wonder? Promoting my business on Yahoo! Answers? Maybe that's not what you had in mind. Source: BuzzFeed Quora? What's Quora?
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Designing Customer Satisfaction Surveys That Work

Why bother? Good customer service is the life blood of any business. Although new customers are important, good customer service will help generate customer loyalty and repeat ...
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Rethinking SEO: How to win more qualified traffic by optimizing for topics instead of keywords

This guide will look at how a smart brand took advantage of this new era in SEO and won by optimizing on topics instead of keywords.
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7 Social Media Marketing Myths You'd Never Expect

Social media has become very popular in the digital marketing world. Brands cannot resist on using social media on their digital marketing initiatives. It has become a necessity ...
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Tweaking The Numbers In Google AdWords

Google AdWords is a simple and easy-to-use advertising program, offered by Google, which works on a pay-per-click principle. You pay Google a predetermined amount of money each ...
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How Telemarketing Is Changing In The 21st-Century Marketplace

Telemarketing in Singapore is a pretty old business. Telemarketing singapore got its start in the 1950s and has not changed much since it began. The earliest forms of ...
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Article Marketing: What Makes A Good Article?

We all know the raw power and efficacy of online marketing through article publication. All of us can even claim without blinking that article marketing is the most powerful and ...
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Article Marketing: Effective Website Advertising Tactic

By using the Google AdWords Keyword Planner, you can see the thousands of searches done to a certain keyword. When these keywords are typed on search boxes of search engines, ...
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