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Keyword Match Types

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Google’s keyword match types ensure that the amount you spend on your Google Ad campaigns is well spent, ensuring you don’t waste your precious money drawing in unqualified traffic that is not likely to do business with you.

Keyword Match Types

There are four different keyword match types for Google Ads: broad match, phrase match, exact match, and negative match.  

Broad Match

A broad keyword match is when your ads show in search results for queries related to the meaning of your keywords but don’t necessarily contain the exact terms. It’s the default type for Google Ads and works best with smart bidding. The syntax is to write out your keyword.

A broad keyword match helps you reach a wide audience, but your visitors are unrefined as the terms they search for are related to your keyword. Google will also take into account a user's search activities, the content on your landing page, and other keywords in your ad group.

Phrase Match

A phrase match surfaces your ads in queries that have the same meaning as your keyword or more specific forms of your keyword. Words can be added before or after your keyword, but not between. The syntax is to place quotes around your target word, like “keyword.”

Using phrase match puts your ads in front of a smaller audience, but they are only shown in searches that include what your ad is for, so audiences are more refined.

Exact Match

An exact match is the opposite of broad match, and your ads only show in queries for the same exact meaning or intent of your keyword. This can include singular or plural forms, misspellings, abbreviations, and accents.

With this type, you’ll get more refined visitors to your site, but you’ll have less reach. The syntax is to place your keyword in square brackets, so [keyword].

Negative Keyword Match Types

Negative keywords are used to exclude your ads from specific queries to help you focus on reaching the right users. Your ads will show for relevant terms, but not for the exact term you’ve written.

There are three different types of negative keywords: negative broad match, negative phrase match, and negative exact match.

Negative Broad Match

A negative broad match is the default negative keyword. Your ads won't appear if the query contains all of the terms you’ve selected, no matter the order. The syntax is to simply write your keyword.

Negative Phrase Match

Negative phrase match keywords won’t surface your ads in queries that contain the exact keywords you’ve given in the exact same order. If the query includes additional words, your ads won’t show either if the order is the same as the keyword you’ve set. The syntax is to write your keywords in quotes.

Negative Exact Match

Negative exact match will exclude your ads in queries that contain your exact keyword in the exact order you set, without any extra words. The syntax is to write your keyword in brackets.

Use keyword match types to maximize the ROI of your PPC ads.

Using the right keyword match type ensures the money you spend on Google Ad campaigns helps you bring in the right type of traffic, which makes you more likely to attract a new customer, drive a sale, and maximize ROI.

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