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Improve Your Twitter's SEO with a Hidden Feature for the Visually Impaired

Twitter SEO Image descriptions

A problem that e-commerce is still unable to overcome is that customers can't touch and feel the product before making a purchase. Especially if you are visually impaired, navigating around the internet to buy things can be a challenge.

Twitter, however, has came up with a solution to this problem. In 2016, they introduced a simple image description function that allows you to explain what the picture looks like in a few words. The visually impaired can then get the text to be read aloud by their phones.

Especially if your business mainly showcases its products visually, this function could potentially be something that allows you to close sales with visually impaired individuals as well.

Follow these steps to switch on this feature right now:

1. Log into your Twitter account.


2. Click on your profile icon on the top left.


3. Go to Settings and Privacy.


Twitter SEO Image descriptions


4. From the navigation bar on the left, click on Accessibility.


Twitter SEO Image descriptions


5. Under Accessibility, check the box for Compose image descriptions, and click save changes.


Twitter SEO Image descriptions


6. Now, when you hit the Tweet compose button and upload a photo, you’ll get the option to add a text description. It will look something like this:


Twitter SEO Image descriptions

 Image credits: Twitter Blog


That's it, as simple as that!


Not only are you exposing yourself to a wider variety of audience, you are also increasing your chances of being found by all Twitter users through keyword search. In some sense, you are also using SEO by adding alt-text to your Twitter images. How cool is that?

Now that you know this new tip to increase your Twitter reach, get your settings done and tweet away!


Twitter SEO Image descriptions

