4 Types Of Engaging Content For Facebook For Business
February 1, 2017
What makes Facebook Ads a champion in 2017 and beyond?
February 7, 2017
This blogpost is extracted by Charing Kam from our new eBook, How To Use Digital Marketing To Grow Your Business.
If you haven’t heard, Facebook is taking steps to clean up its fake news problem. It’s a good thing; fake news had become such a pervasive part of the News Feed, to the point that people were starting to question every little thing they read.
Don’t let your Facebook for Business page get dragged into the chaos; do a spring-clean and make sure your page is attractive and informative. Ask yourself these 4 questions:
1) Is Your Company Information Included On Your Page?
If you’ve somehow managed to forget doing this while setting up your page, please know this: the first thing that consumers look at when visiting a company Facebook page, is the profile information. Hence, it’s essential that you have a simplified (but powerful!) version of your corporate mission or values, accompanied by your type of business and history, available at a glance.
2) How Updated Is Your Events Section?
It’s 2017. That means that any old events that are from 2015 should be erased from your Facebook page.
Yes, even those milestone events you hosted. Erase them from your events section. Include them in your timeline of your company if you wish, but you need to show that your page is forward-looking, not stuck in the past.
This is especially important if your company has had no new events lately. It’s better to have no events than to only have events that occurred two (or even three!) years ago.
3) Have You Looked At The Comments Section Lately?
Don’t underestimate the comments section on your Facebook for Business page; even if the comment left isn’t a negative note about your business, it can still wreak havoc on your reputation. Ensure you moderate the comments section on your business page. For example, spam is very common, and can clog up your comments section and deter actual comments from consumers. Abusive comments towards other customers or users are also likely to happen, and should be removed for the safety of the community.
4) How Reputable Are Your Sources?
As a company, you have a responsibility to share news that is corroborated, at least by a few other industry sources. Ensure that the posts you’ve shared don’t fall in the ‘fake news’ box, because you’ll lose the credibility you’ve built up for your brand. Remove posts that might be dodgy in nature, and always do a quick Google Search for similar news before sharing something on your Facebook for Business page.