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Is Link Building More Important Than More Content for SEO?

 In the past, building as many links as possible without analyzing the linking domain was how SEO typically worked. By doing this, your website was sure to rank higher in Google search results.

Building links is still a very important part of SEO ranking factors.  

It is among the top five most important ranking factors, according to a correlational study on ranking factors by Searchmetrics, which is a company that provides SEO analytics and reporting tools for large enterprises. But you must build links in a different manner than what you used to do in the past.

When Penguin 2.0 was released by Google in May 2013, all of this changed. Manipulating the number of links pointing to a website cannot work any more. Such tactics are commonly described as link schemes.

Nowadays, it is important to focus on the quality of links you are obtaining instead of the quantity of links. Sometimes less can be more if you know how exactly to build links the proper way.

This is something that often comes along with the question, “Which should I invest in, link building or content generation?” Links are an important part of your website’s authority (even with the changing link landscape). However, if you have enough money to invest in your website, I would say, “Hire someone to write and create quality content for you.”

Too often, when businesses hire someone to do link building, they focus on the quantity of links rather than their quality. But linking is not a numbers game anymore. Far from it, actually. Instead, you should focus on having relevant and diverse sources that link to relevant pages.

When you invest in content, that content can be used for webpages, blog posts, lead generation offers, and guest posts on other sites – all content types that will bring more links with them over time.
