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July 14, 2016
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July 18, 2016Search Engine Marketing (SEM) is a popular digital marketing tactic, and who can blame it? With Google AdWords, you can advertise your product through search engines, and only get charged when the advertisement link is clicked. The main issue then: how do you ensure that the clicks are from the targeted customer base, so that you won’t be wasting money on irrelevant clicks? Here are 5 tips for a Successful Google AdWords campaign:
1) Have A Clear Purpose
When using Google Adwords, always keep your purpose in mind; is it to inform or to persuade? This should permeate all the choices you make, especially the content of the ad. Use the headline and the description line as much as you can, and remember to tailor your message to create interest for potential customers.
2) Be Accurate
Make sure your ads are directing traffic to the correct landing pages. Potential customers are looking for specific content (hence the use of the search engine), so if they click on the ad and yet don’t get the right page, have a high chance of immediately closing the page and wasting the click. Make sure your keywords in the content of the landing page and the ads text match, so that the ad is relevant only for that landing page.
3) Negative Keywords Are Useful
Negative keywords are words that have no relation to your ad. They help to curtail the broad scope of the ad by making the ad present on only relevant search result pages. For example, if your ad is about cakes but then you include the negative keyword ‘cookies’, it means that customers who were interested in cookies but not cakes won’t be directed to your page, saving you money on a click.
4) Make Good Use Of Google AdWords Extensions
Learn the mechanics of bidding for exact match keywords versus broad match keywords in order to stretch your dollar, and use the keyword type and category functions to organize ad groups. You can also use Google’s targeting criteria, for example, to focus the ad only on a certain geographical area. By making good use of the functions that Google AdWords provides, you can increase the efficiency and effectiveness of SEM.
5) Offer Mobile-Friendly Ads
Many people search for websites on their mobile, so your ad should be mobile-friendly that they provide a convenient starting point for them to jump into a (mobile-optimised) landing page. This will help to increase conversion rates while also providing a positive user experience.